issue517: Issues with drop-down menus on Google Calendar

Priority: bug Status: unread
msg1348 (view) Author: Raksura Date: 2018-02-09.16:55:11
Hello fellow Conkeror users,

I am having issues with the drop down menus in Google Calendar when using
Conkeror. While I am not convinced the blame should fall on Conkeror, I don't
expect Google to do anything about it (I doubt they care as long as it works in
the majority of cases).
When clicking on a drop down menu on that website, either nothing happens, or
the menu immediately disappears.

This makes Google Calendar unusable with Conkeror. It does work when using
Firefox though.

Would you have a way to fix (or go around) that issue?

Running on Linux,
Conkeror version: up-to-date master branch from git://
Firefox version: Mozilla Firefox 52.6.0

Related conkerorrc content:
session_pref("general.useragent.compatMode.firefox", true);
Date User Action Args
2018-02-09 16:55:11Raksuracreate