issue351: xulrunner >= 2 (?), missing scrollbar in first buffer of window

Priority: bug Status: resolved
msg851 (view) Author: retroj Date: 2011-05-12.18:12:13
With xulrunner 2 and later, the first buffer in any given window is missing a scrollbar, though the
content is long enough to require one.

For a workaround, see:
msg852 (view) Author: retroj Date: 2011-05-12.18:12:55
Created test app, and created bugzilla report:
msg870 (view) Author: XTaran Date: 2011-07-01.12:22:22
This bug has also been reported in Debian:

Interestingly there are some difference to what I read here and in the bugzilla report: Accordung to the
bug submitter xulrunner 1.9.1 is affected, too.

Probably a followup error, but possibly also another issue: "Searching the buffer (while otherwise
working, finding results, and highlighting them) does not scroll the buffer to the position of the
current match" don't work in the first buffer either.
msg893 (view) Author: retroj Date: 2011-09-07.01:08:33
pushed a workaround/fix

We learned that the missing scrollbars bug only affects content-primary browsers, so the workaround is to
create all browsers as type 'content', then change to 'content-primary' after a timeout.
Date User Action Args
2011-09-07 01:08:33retrojsetstatus: chatting -> resolved
messages: + msg893
2011-07-01 12:22:22XTaransetmessages: + msg870
title: xulrunner >= 2, missing scrollbar in first buffer of window -> xulrunner >= 2 (?), missing scrollbar in first buffer of window
2011-05-12 18:12:55retrojsetstatus: unread -> chatting
messages: + msg852
2011-05-12 18:12:13retrojcreate