issue263: total loss of focus with xulrunner >= 1.9.2

Priority: bug Status: resolved
msg602 (view) Author: retroj Date: 2010-04-12.18:14:06
* make sure you are using xulrunner 1.9.2 or higher
 * launch with conkeror -q
 * C-x C-f "google foo" return
 * wait for google to finish loading
 * q (close the new buffer)
 * C-x C-f "google foo" return
 * wait for google to finish loading
 * use a window-manager key to switch workspaces or resize the window
 * conkeror no longer responds to keyboard events.
 * to get focus back, click or run "conkeror -f unfocus"
msg603 (view) Author: retroj Date: 2010-04-12.18:18:06
The basic procedure is, kill a buffer, create a buffer, perform a
window-management action.  But the problem can be produced in other
circumstances, too.  I narrowed it down to the subsystem which tracks
element/frame focus after using the minibuffer or killing a buffer.  The
point of failure is at calls to set_focus_no_scroll.
msg604 (view) Author: retroj Date: 2010-04-12.18:38:43
as of xulrunner 1.9.2, conkeror's element/frame focus tracking is no longer necessary.  What is necessary
is to focus the xul:browser when we exit the minibuffer or kill a buffer.  Note that the element/frame
focus tracking system must be retained for compatibility with older versions of xulrunner.  That code can
be removed if we ever drop support for xulrunner 1.9.1.
Date User Action Args
2010-04-12 18:38:53retrojsetstatus: chatting -> resolved
2010-04-12 18:38:43retrojsetmessages: + msg604
2010-04-12 18:18:06retrojsetstatus: unread -> chatting
messages: + msg603
2010-04-12 18:14:06retrojcreate