
Author retroj
Date 2012-02-05.19:24:40
Tangentially related to this issue is the patch of 2009-05-07/2009-11-18
that gave completers the ability to set the match_required flag
dynamically during the read.

It is related because that patch was also addressing the need for
match_required to be set with webjump completers.  In that case, it was
for webjumps that have a finite set of useful completions, for example,
the "bookmark" webjump or the index-webjumps.  But the patch has the wrong
design, it breaks proper abstraction in a subtle way: whether or not a
match is required is no business of a completer --- a completer is
basically just a function that takes an input string and returns a list of
completions for it --- what to do with this list is the business of the
caller, not the completer.

The match_required property should therefore be a property of the webjump,
not its completer, and we need a route other than the completions object
to tell the completions system when match_required is in effect for a
nested completer.
Date User Action Args
2012-02-05 19:24:40retrojsetmessageid: <>
2012-02-05 19:24:40retrojlinkissue392 messages
2012-02-05 19:24:40retrojcreate