
Author retroj
Recipients wdkrnls
Date 2011-10-14.05:01:49
I can cause the segfault to happen simply by calling the following function
before attempting to follow a pdf link.  Note, sometimes it takes a couple
of attempts on the link for the failure to manifest.

  function query_eps () {
      var eps = Cc[";1"]

Nothing more than simply QI'ing nsIExternalProtocolService.  What is going on here?
Date User Action Args
2011-10-14 05:01:49retrojsetmessageid: <>
2011-10-14 05:01:49retrojsetrecipients: + wdkrnls
2011-10-14 05:01:49retrojlinkissue372 messages
2011-10-14 05:01:49retrojcreate