
Author retroj
Recipients vcoolio
Date 2010-05-19.21:06:57
The way we load glue code for extensions (dom-inspector, venkman, noscript, adblockplus) is invalidated
by this change, too.  We depend on extension_is_enabled being a synchronous call, but the new Addons
Manager has an asynchronous api.

We may have to leave it up to users to load extension glue code themselves in their rc, instead of doing it
automatically.  Loading extension glue through our "conkeror.load.*" prefs no longer seems feasible.
Date User Action Args
2010-05-19 21:06:58retrojsetmessageid: <>
2010-05-19 21:06:58retrojsetrecipients: + vcoolio
2010-05-19 21:06:58retrojlinkissue272 messages
2010-05-19 21:06:57retrojcreate