
Author retroj
Recipients sindikat
Date 2012-04-21.05:24:06
After following the 'Add Exception' link, the following message appears:

    You should not add an exception if you are using an internet connection
    that you do not trust completely or if you are not used to seeing a
    warning for this server.

    If you still wish to add an exception for this site, use the M-x
    ssl-add-exception command.

If it's not there for you, can you post a screenshot?
Date User Action Args
2012-04-21 05:24:06retrojsetmessageid: <>
2012-04-21 05:24:06retrojsetrecipients: + sindikat
2012-04-21 05:24:06retrojlinkissue404 messages
2012-04-21 05:24:06retrojcreate