issue450: Buggy `scroll-top-left'

Priority: bug Status: resolved
msg1142 (view) Author: yuhta Date: 2013-08-17.23:02:00
The `scroll-top-left' command does not scroll to the top at all (it does
scroll to the left though).

Branch: Master
OS: Fedora Linux
XULRunner version: Mozilla XULRunner 23.0 - 20130805131418
msg1143 (view) Author: tjim Date: 2013-08-18.14:07:52
Confirmed (XULRunner 23).

Looking at the source in commands.js, it is the


that is failing.  I can invoke cmd_scrollTop from the minibuffer and it works, so it looks like
I.buffer.do_command() is the problem.
msg1149 (view) Author: karbak Date: 2013-10-11.16:39:46
Temporary workaround using tjim's discovery above - change the key definitions for "M-<" and "home" in
modules/bindings/default/basic-commands.js thus:

// define_key(keymap, "M-<","scroll-top-left");
define_key(keymap, "M-<","cmd_scrollTop");

// define_key(keymap, "home","scroll-top-left");
define_key(keymap, "home","cmd_scrollTop");
msg1150 (view) Author: ccomendant Date: 2013-10-17.09:35:53
cmd_scrollTop fails to update window.scrollY, therefore scroll_horiz_complete would result in undoing it.
reordering the functions in scroll-top-left fixes it.

    "Scroll the current frame all the way to the top left",
     function (I) { scroll_horiz_complete(I.buffer, -1);
                    I.buffer.do_command("cmd_scrollTop"); });
msg1151 (view) Author: retroj Date: 2013-10-17.13:16:49
Thank you.  Pushed.
Date User Action Args
2013-10-17 13:16:49retrojsetstatus: chatting -> resolved
messages: + msg1151
2013-10-17 09:35:54ccomendantsetmessages: + msg1150
2013-10-11 16:39:47karbaksetmessages: + msg1149
2013-08-18 14:07:52tjimsetstatus: unread -> chatting
messages: + msg1143
2013-08-17 23:02:00yuhtacreate